Showtime in New York!

Published on September 13, 2006 by , in English, Music, New York

starsailor.jpgThis week the city has been good to me. I was given the opportunity to see two great shows. The first was rather surprisingly good as I knew neither venue nor band. Both, Irving Plaza and Starsailor turned out to be awesome, though.  Irving Plaza is a legend I was told and it really is one of these places you see in the movies, with a lot of character and somewhat typical New York. The band was great, too, straight forward british rock with a hint of pop.

phoenix.jpgYesterday then, we went to see Phoenix at Webster Hall, both well known by me. Webster Hall is not only a venue for shows like this one but also doubles as a big dancehall/ disco. Ten years ago we loved to go to Psychedelic Thursdays and our litte sticker got us in for free. Kathryn and I got absolutely drunk every time and she had to walk me home. But that's a different story. Phoenix I already knew. I saw them a couple of times live, the last time in July at the Melt Festival near Berlin. Check them out, I linked'em all up.