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Posts Categorized: Daily Dose

A blog about architecture, design and Zeitgeist called PSFK.com. My colleague and business partner Marco writes for them °°° There is an alternative ending to I am Legend, interesting, better I think. °°° Germany is… Continue reading →

Cool view over Harlem can be found here (thanks to Birthe) °°° Harlem is also picking up on German media. Die Tagesschau has an interesting article on how Harlem changed recently (in German, thanks to… Continue reading →

Kind of a note to myself: great business card design can be found on Flickr or here °°°  iStockphoto.com is stock photography I love and can afford °°° And the winner is…. Blue Vertigo has… Continue reading →

Microsoft is dead. Applications escape your hard drive for a better life online. Why limewire Photoshop when you can edit your Flickr photos right there? Word, Excel? Google has it for free!°°° I often post… Continue reading →

Weil ja bald Valentinstag ist, könnt Ihr hier erfahren, wie man "Ich liebe Dich" auf Bayerisch sagt, oder auf Berber, Bicol und Bengali (Danke, Sandra!). °°° Wer noch tiefer einsteigen will, findet dutzende von vielgebrauchten… Continue reading →

The Top 100 fonts of all times include one of my favorites: Frutiger, also known as Humanist 777 and very similar to Myriad. It's also braintransfers corporate font. °°°  Urbanfonts.com has a great collection of… Continue reading →
